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Idaho Human Rights Day– Idaho Human Rights Day is observed on the third Monday in January every year. The day is a holiday in the state of Idaho. It is a day to celebrate the birthday of civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr.
National Idaho Day – May 17 celebrates the day in 1863 when Idaho was recognized as the 43rd state by the union.
Bureau of Land Management – The BLM manages nearly 12 million acres of public lands in Idaho, nearly one-fourth of the state’s total land area, for multiple uses.
City of Boise – Resources for residents and visitors.
Idaho Falls – Idaho Falls is a city of roughly 67,000 residents and sits along the banks of the Snake River. Idaho Falls is the largest city east of Idaho’s capital and provides a welcoming business environment, some of the lowest utility rates in the nation, and leisure opportunities second to none.
Idaho Government – The official website of the state government.
National Iowa Day – Every year we celebrate National Iowa Day on February 8.
National Wisconsin Day – National Wisconsin Day on February 15 celebrates the state of Wisconsin, its history, and its hard-working people.
National Oregon Day – National Oregon Day is celebrated on March 8 every year. This day celebrates the State of Oregon, which is also known as the Beaver State.
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