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On the Web
Space Exploration Day – Space Exploration Day occurs every year on July 20. Also known as National Moon Day, President Ronald Reagan created this holiday to commemorate the first crewed mission to the moon and moon landing.
History of Space Exploration – During the time that has passed since the launching of the first artificial satellite in 1957, astronauts have traveled to the moon, probes have explored the solar system, and instruments in space have discovered thousands of planets around other stars.
NASA Missions – More than 250 robotic spacecraft—and 24 humans—have ventured into space since we first began exploring beyond Earth’s atmosphere in 1958. This section focuses on U.S. missions with science goals to study planets, moons, asteroids and comets beyond Earth orbit.
Astronaut Day– May 5 is the day #WeBelieveInAstronauts celebrates heroic astronauts with a mission to inspire all!
World Space Week – World Space Week 2022 celebrates “Space and Sustainability”!
Observe the Moon Night – The public is invited to participate in NASA’s celebration of “International Observe the Moon Night” on Saturday, Oct. 1.
National Meteor Watch Day – Celebrate National Meteor Watch Day on June 30 by finding out as much as you can about the phenomenon and the impact it leaves on Earth.
Red Planet Day – Red Planet Day, November 28, recognizes the planet which has captivated human observers for countless years, Mars.
Science Education Day – Science Education Day takes place every March 14 to appreciate the contributions of various individuals, both young and adults, towards the development of science education.
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