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On the Web
Baby Safety Month – Founded by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) in 1983, Baby Safety Month (BSM) occurs every September and offers a great chance for parents and retailers to brush up on baby-proof safety standards and tips.
How to Keep Your Sleeping Baby Safe – Unless mentioned otherwise, all these recommendations are for babies up to 1 year of age. Talk with your pediatrician if you have questions about any of the recommendations listed.
Is Your Child Safe? – Children are naturally curious and do not easily recognize and avoid hazards; therefore, they need extra protection and care. Many injuries can be avoided by supervising children carefully and by making their surroundings safer.
Safety for Your Child Birth to 6 Months – Injuries often happen because caregivers are not aware of what children can do. Children learn fast, and before you know it, a child will be wiggling off a bed or reaching for a cup of hot coffee.
Children’s Birthday – Fun food, games, activities, decorations and more for youngsters.
National Daughter Day – National Daughters Day on September 25 is a day to celebrate and cherish our daughters who bring so much love and into our lives.
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