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On the Web
British Columbia Day – The holiday falls in the middle of the summer season, and not too many Canadians complain about a chance to plan a long weekend and make a fun family outing out of British Columbia Day!
Arts & Culture – Museums, galleries, and more coastal culture from the BC government.
BC Parks – Discover the outdoor activities to be enjoyed in the numerous provincial parks.
BC Rockies – The BC Rockies region of British Columbia is located in the southeastern corner of the province, bordering Alberta and the US state of Montana.
BC Wildlife – Learn more about the wild and winged creatures that call British Columbia home.
National Parks – There are seven national parks to explore.
Vancouver Island – Discover an ocean-carved land of extremes ranging from mild to wild, cultured to life-affirmingly raw. Backpack in majestic wilderness parks. Marvel at orcas, black bears and the sheer abundance of furred, feathered and finned wildlife
Victoria Tourism – Surrounded by water and full of adventure, Victoria finds itself nestled between the tranquil waters of the Salish Sea and the mighty rainforests of Vancouver Island.
Welcome BC – WelcomeBC helps people navigate their journey to a new life in British Columbia.
Wikipedia– British Columbia, according to the Internet encyclopedia.
Nova Scotia Heritage Day – Celebrated the third Monday in February, Nova Scotia Heritage Day is an annual reminder of the province’s storied past and an opportunity to honour the remarkable people, places and events that have contributed to this province’s unique heritage.
Yukon Heritage Day – Yukon Heritage Day brings the history and culture of Canada’s Yukon Territory to the world on the Friday before the last Sunday in February.
Canada Day – Celebrate Canada’s official day on July 1.
National Camping Month – Camping is one of America’s favorite outdoor activities and National Camping Month is observed in June every year.
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