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Costa Rica Independence Day – Costa Rica Independence Day is celebrated on September 15 to mark the day Central America declared independence from Spain in 1821.
Costa Rica Wildlife – From the adorable sloths to playful monkeys, tiny colorful tree frogs to mammoth 16 foot crocodiles; from endangered Jaguars to tiny wild jungle cats; from pre historic iguanas to the rainbow of more than 918 species of tropical birds; from gentle giants like the whale shark and giant sea turtle to tiny but deadly snakes and frogs.
Costa Rican Cuisine – Costa Rican cuisine is known for being mostly mild, with high reliance on fruits and vegetables.
Historical Sites & Legends – Featuring some of Costa Rica’s top historical sites with enigmatic legends to boot.
People & Culture – Answering the question of “What is the culture of Costa Rica?” could take us a long time, because there is a lot to say!
Uruguay Constitution Day – Officially known as ‘Jura de la Constitucion de la Republica Oriental del Urugu
Bolivia Independence Day – Bolivia Independence Day is celebrated on August 6 every year. On days when it falls on a weekend, a public holiday is observed on an alternative weekday.
Ecuador Independence Day – Ecuador’s Independence Day is a national public holiday that is celebrated every year on August 10.
Argentine Independence Day – Argentine Independence Day is observed annually on July 9. It is a national public holiday that marks the day when Argentina declared independence from Spain.
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