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St. Olav’s Eve – St. Olav’s Eve in the Faroe Islands is celebrated on July 28.
Olosk – (“Olaf’s Wake” or “Olaf’s Vigil”) is a national day of celebration on July 29 in the Nordic countries of Norway and the Faroe Islands, and also in the provinces of Härjedalen in Sweden and Savonlinna in Finland.
Facts About the Faroe Islands – The Faroe Islands – 18 islands of various sizes connected by tunnels and ferries – is one of three autonomous territories in the Nordic Region.
Faroese Gastronomy – Throughout history, the Faroe Islanders have developed a cuisine deeply rooted in the need to make full use of everything nature has to offer.
Faroe Islands Bird Watching – Discover why, for bird watchers, the Faroe Islands are a very appealing destination. – The official website for the Faroe Islands.
Government – The official portal for Faroe Island’s government.
The National Gallery for the Faroe Islands – The National Gallery of the Faroe Islands displays the best of Faroese art. The collection consists of approx. 2,500 works, primarily paintings but also graphics, sculptures, installations and textiles. The oldest works are from the 1830’s, and the collection goes all the way up to the present.
Estonia Victory Day – Estonia Victory Day on June 23 is a public holiday and a day of great celebration.
Latvia Independence Day – Latvia Independence Day is on November 18. Latvia Independence Day commemorates a nation’s struggle to retain its lands and identity.
World Folktales & Fables Week – World Folktales & Fables Week takes place every year during the third week of March and this year, it will run from March 17 to 23.
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