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On the Web
Ireland National Heritage Week – Ireland’s National Heritage Week is held annually from the second or third weekend in August to the following weekend. This year, it takes place from August 17 to 25
St. Stephen’s Day – St. Stephen’s Day is celebrated on December 26 every year. The day is dedicated to the Christian Saint Stephen, the first Christian martyr known for serving the poor and needy.
Heritage Ireland – The folks at Heritage Ireland are responsible for Ireland’s most important heritage sites. Iconic sites ranging from the Rock of Cashel in Tipperary to Skellig Michael on a small island off the Kerry coast, are just some of the stunning 780 heritage sites in their care.
A Brief History of Ireland – Curious about who the Neolithic people were? When the Vikings arrived? What happened during the Middle Ages? The impact of St Patrick? What actually happened during the rebellions and Troubles? The tragedy behind the Great Famine?
Family Search– Resources from the Church of the Latter Day Saints.
Irish History Online – Irish History Online is the national bibliography of Irish history. It is part of a European network of national historical bibliographies from fourteen countries. Irish History Online is an authoritative listing (in progress) of what has been written about Irish history from earliest times to the present.
Irish History Podcast – From the Norman Invasion to the War of Independence, the Irish History Podcast brings you on a journey through the most fascinating stories in Ireland’s past. – The website dedicated to helping you search for family history records for past generations.
National Archives – National Archives has developed a Genealogy website to facilitate access to digitised collections that are useful to family and local history research.
Roots Ireland – RootsIreland offers a unique database of more than 23 million Irish records.
World Folktales & Fables Week – World Folktales & Fables Week takes place every year during the third week of March and this year, it will run from March 17 to 23.
St. Patrick’s Day – Go green for the Patron Saint of Ireland on March 17.
Heritage Treasures Day (UK) – Heritage Treasures Day is marked on January 11 of every year. It’s the perfect day to let everyone know about your unique heritage.
Genealogy Day – Genealogy Day is every second Saturday in March and this year, it takes place on March 11.
Ancestor Appreciation Day – Ancestor Appreciation Day comes up on September 27 every year. It consists of gathering together to recount ancient family histories and all trace down our genealogies.
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