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On the Web
Malaysia Day – Malaysia Day falls on September 16 and commemorates the anniversary of the formation of the Malaysian Federation, which took place on the same date in 1963.
Malaysia’s Culture – With such an interesting history and so much influence from neighboring Asian countries and colonial rulers, you can expect much diversity in Malaysia – from architecture and religion to ethnicity of the country’s people.
Philippines Republic Day– On July 4, 1946, the United States formally recognized the independence of the Republic of the Philippines.
Singapore National Day – Singapore National Day is a public holiday that is observed in Singapore on August 9 of every year. The day is set aside to commemorate Singapore’s independence from Malaysia which took place in the year 1965.
India Independence Day – On 15th August 1947, the Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru lifted the Indian flag above the Lahori Gate in Delhi.
Indonesia Independence Day – Indonesia Independence Day is celebrated on August 17 each year. The national holiday commemorates Indonesia’s declaration of independence from the Netherlands in 1945.
National Day of Vietnam – National Day of Vietnam is observed every year on September 2 in Vietnam.
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