Philippines Independence Day – The Philippines, consisting of more than 7,000 separate islands in the western Pacific, declared independence from Spanish rule over 120 years ago.
Philippines Republic Day – On July 4, 1946, the United States formally recognized the independence of the Republic of the Philippines.
Today’s State of Philippine Independence – By examining the circumstances under which June 12 emerged as the official Philippine Independence Day, as well as the intended function of national holidays as a whole, we might become better equipped to navigate divided and uncertain futures.
Filipino Values Month – Filipino Values Month, held annually in November every year, looks to advance recognition of values that hold true to Filipino culture.
Travel Guide Philippines – Graced by dazzling beaches, year-round sun and numerous opportunities for diving, island-hopping and surfing, the Philippines has long attracted a steady stream of foreign visitors
Wikipedia – Philippines Independence Day according to the Internet encyclopedia.
Museums & Galleries Month – The month of October honors museums and galleries and highlights the importance of pride in Filipino culture and heritage.
Genealogy Day – Genealogy Day is every second Saturday in March and this year, it takes place on March 11.
National Ocean Month – National Oceans Month is celebrated each year in June and it’s time to honor the element that is essential to the planet Earth.
National Grilling Month – Summer is the right time to get out the grill and cook up some memories!
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