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Papua New Guinea Independence Day – Papua New Guinea Independence Day is celebrated on September 16 as the official federal holiday commemorating Papua New Guinea’s independence from Australia.
Culture & Customs – Home to around 750 tribes, each with its own distinct beliefs and customs, Papua New Guinea is culturally fascinating.
History – From ancient ancestry to modern politics.
National Parliament – Papua New Guinea (PNG) Parliament is a single chamber legislature (law-making body) consisting of 89 Members elected from Open electorates and 22 Governors elected from Provincial electorates.
Traditional Folk Songs – Each song has some tags which specify its genres or musical instrument which is used in that song. Inside each page you can find more information about the artist or music genre.
The Transforming Arts of Papua, New Guinea – Featuring the arts of the people of the Sepik River Basin, the Highlands, the Huon Gulf, and the capital city of Port Moresby.
Independence Day Mauritius – Independence Day Mauritius is celebrated every year on March 12 in Mauritius.
National Virtual Vacation Day – Virtual Vacation Day is celebrated every year on March 30, reminding us that we don’t have to wait to go on vacation anymore!
Cameroon National Day – The National Day of Cameroon, also known as Unitary State Day is celebrated annually on the 20th of May.
Samoa Independence Day – Samoa Independence Day is celebrated on June 1. The country gained independence from New Zealand on January 1, 1962, and it was the first Pacific island country to gain independence.
Philippines Independence Day – The Philippines, consisting of more than 7,000 separate islands in the western Pacific, declared independence from Spanish rule over 120 years ago.
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