Lucy Desi Museum – Located in Lucy’s hometown of Jamestown, NY as they honor the legacy of the greatest TV comedy of all time.
National Women’s Hall of Fame – One of the most beloved comediennes of all time, Lucille Desiree Ball, left an impact on the business and entertainment industries that endures still today.
Awkward Moments Day– On March 18 we celebrate the awkward in all of us with some entertaining examples of awkwardness and some tips and ideas to help you through those unrefined moments in life.
Senior Citizen Day – August 21 is the day we pay special respect to our elders!
Alfred Hitchcock Day – Celebrate this iconic director on March 12. Known as the Master of Suspense, Alfred Hitchcock is a pioneering film director who brought us some of our favorite classic horror films.
Dave Brubeck Day – Dave Brubeck Day is celebrated on May 4 in the honor of America’s most proficient and accomplished jazz piano.
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