Getting Active – Women of all ages and abilities benefit from getting active.
Healthy Eating & Diet Tips for Women – The right food can not only improve your mood, boost your energy, and help you maintain a healthy weight, it can also support you through the different stages in a woman’s life.
The Value of Exercise for Women’s Health – Researchers are constantly refreshing our knowledge of the relationship between physical activity and health—the solid base for your program planning.
Women’s Nutrition Needs – As part of a woman’s healthy diet, understanding age-related nutrient needs is important in improving health, and preventing chronic disease.
Walk in the Park Day – Celebrate a walk in the park on March 30 and every day with these virtual walks and resources for Take A Walk in the Park Day!
Senior Health & Fitness Day – National Senior Health and Fitness Day is celebrated on the last Wednesday of May, this year on May 25.
World Bicycle Day – World Bicycle Day recognizes “the uniqueness, longevity and versatility of the bicycle, which has been in use for two centuries, and that it is a simple, affordable, reliable, clean and environmentally fit sustainable means of transport.
National CBD Day – On August 8 it is the time to celebrate celebrate and spread awareness about the usages and capacities of cannabidiol, a hemp-based compound that is touted for its ability to relieve pain and anxiety.
National Relaxation Day – August 15 is the perfect time to take some timeand make it all about you!
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