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World Beard Day – World Beard Day is celebrated annually on the first Saturday in September and on an international level with people from every nation and continent gathering together with their beards.
A Dermatologist’s Guide to a Healthy Beard – Healthy-looking facial hair starts with healthy skin. With the right skin care, it’s possible to prevent problems like dandruff, ingrown hair, acne, and itch.
All About Beards – Launched on January 17, 1996, All About BEARDS celebrates its twenty-sixth anniversary this year! all about beards is the longest-running beard site on earth.
Are There Health Benefits to Having A Beard?– Some studies have shown that beards can harbor dangerous bacteria, while others have found beards beneficial in reducing skin cancer. So how do you determine whether you should let your facial hair grow?
bearddit – The reddit group for beard enthusiasts.
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