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On the Web
Jamhuri Day – On the 12th of December, Jamhuri Day, also called Independence Day, is one of the most important national holidays in Kenya.
Mashujaa Day – The Kenya holiday is observed on October 20 every year. However, if this date ever falls on a weekend, the day is shifted to the following Monday, which is then declared a public holiday.
A Brief History of Kenya – Did you know it’s widely believed that human life as we know it began in Kenya, after archaeologists discovered ancient human tools dating from around 3.3 million BC?
eCitizen – More than 5,000 Government services available from 100+ Ministries, Counties, Departments, and Agencies.
Exploring Kenyan Culture – Kenya is home to breathtaking landscapes, interesting cultures, beautiful national parks, and wildlife reservations.
Nature Kenya – The East Africa Natural History Society (EANHS)—is Africa’s oldest environmental Society.
Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife & Heritage – With aims to facilitate good governance for sustainable development, management, and marketing of tourism and wildlife.
Nigeria Independence Day – Nigeria Independence Day is on October 1. It celebrates the country’s independence from British rule which occurred in 1960.
Malaysia Day – Malaysia Day falls on September 16 and commemorates the anniversary of the formation of the Malaysian Federation, which took place on the same date in 1963.
Tunisia Republic Day – Tunisia Republic Day is celebrated on July 25 every year to commemorate the vote to abolish the monarchy.
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