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On the Web
National Liberation Day of Korea– National Liberation Day of Korea falls on August 15 annually and is also known as ‘Gwangbokjeol,’ which translates to ‘bringing back the light.’
Cuisine – From the complex Korean royal court cuisine to regional specialties and modern fusion cuisine, Korean ingredients and preparation vary richly.
History of Korea – Learn about the beginnings of the country’s history.
iNaturalist – Discover the wildlife of South Korea. – The official website of the Republic of Korea.
Korean Cities & Provinces – South Korea consists of 9 provinces and 7 metropolitan cities. Seoul is the capital and cultural heart of Korea with a population approaching 10 million people!
Seollal – Celebrate the Korean Lunar New Year on January 22.
World Folktales & Fables Week – World Folktales & Fables Week takes place every year during the third week of March and this year, it will run from March 17 to 23.
Bodhi Day – Observed on December 8, Bodhi Day is observed to mark the moment that took place 2,500 years ago when Siddhartha Gautama achieved enlightenment and became the Buddha or ‘awakened one’.
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