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On the Web
National Puppy Day – Established in 2006, National Puppy Day is a paw-some day for all dog enthusiasts to celebrate unconditional love and fawn over the undeniably cute furballs that bring so much happiness into this world.
Choosing A Puppy From A Litter – Whether you have chosen a hybrid or pure bred dog, there are a some important things to look out for.
Dog Breeds – With so many breeds to choose from this list can help you to decide which puppy is the best for you and your lifestyle.
Dogtime – A collection of informative articles for dog owners.
How to House Train Your Dog or Puppy – House training your dog or puppy requires patience, commitment and lots of consistency. Accidents are part of the process, but if you follow these basic house training guidelines, you can get the newest member of your family on the right track.
How to Look After A Puppy – This RSPCA guide to puppy care will help you give your puppy the best start in life and avoid any potential problems later on.
Petfinder – Search for puppies and dogs for adoption.
Puppy Developmental Stages – To have a well-adjusted and social dog, you need to ensure his needs are met during each phase of development.
Puppy Vaccinations– Your complete guide to first-year puppy vaccinations.
National Train Your Dog Month – In 2010 the Association of Professional Dog Trainers began the National Train Your Dog Month campaign. The APDT thought it was long overdue to dedicate a month to bringing awareness to the importance of socialization and training, and most of all, to inform the public that training your dog can be easy and fun!
Dress Up Your Pet Day – January 14 is Dress Up Your Pet Day and the perfect opportunity to show off your companion’s style.
National Dog Month – With the initiative of @Milkbone National Dog Month be held every August, every year, from now until the end of dog time.
Cook for Your Pet Day – Our pets give us unconditional love, companionship, and attention, so it’s the least we can do to return their efforts on National Cook For Your Pets Day on November 1!
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