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The Celtic Zodiac – February 18 marks the month of the ash. The tree is considered to bring stability and strengthin the Norse world. In ancient Greece it had protective powers.
Celtic Month of Ash– The Celtic Month of Ash celebrates the strength and power of the ash tree.
Ash Mythology & Folklore – The ash tree has strong links with the Vikings but also has its place in British folklore and in Gaelic it is called uinnseann (pronounced ooshin).
Fraxinus – Commonly called ash, is a genus of plants in the olive and lilac family, Oleaceae, and comprises 45–65 species of usually medium-to-large trees, most of which are deciduous trees, although some subtropical species are evergreen trees.
Yggdrasil – Yggdrasil (Old Norse Yggdrasill or Askr Yggdrasils) is the mighty tree whose trunk rises at the geographical center of the Norse spiritual cosmos.
Calennig – This Welsh holiday falls on January 13 every year and welcomes the New Year!
Mardi Gras New Orleans – Explore Mardi Gras, New Orleans most well-known February celebration.
World Folktales & Fables Week – World Folktales & Fables Week takes place every year during the third week of March and this year, it will run from March 17 to 23.
Anastenaria – On May 23 learn about the traditional barefoot fire-walking ritual with ecstatic dance performed in some villages in Northern Greece and Southern Bulgaria.
Houseplant Appreciation Day – January 10 marks National Houseplant Appreciation Day, when we can appreciate the greenery and life of our houseplants during the deep of winter.
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