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National Train Your Dog Month – In 2010 the Association of Professional Dog Trainers began the National Train Your Dog Month campaign. The APDT thought it was long overdue to dedicate a month to bringing awareness to the importance of socialization and training, and most of all, to inform the public that training your dog can be easy and fun!
Dress Up Your Pet Day – January 14 is Dress Up Your Pet Day and the perfect opportunity to showing off your companions style.
Bird Feeding Month – February is National Bird Feeding Month. Celebrate with these resources, media, and more to attract and care for your back yard birds.
Learn About Butterflies Day – National Learn About Butterflies Day is recognized on March 14.
National Puppy Day – March 23 is the day for all dog enthusiasts to celebrate the unconditional love of their best friend.
Bat Appreciation Day – International Bat Appreciation Day on April 17 is a chance to show our flying and mostly nocturnal friends some love.
National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day – Discover how you can help pets April 30th and every day!
From the Pocket of an Overcoat – Celebrate National Pet Month with this beloved children’s book!
Garden for Wildlife Month – Whether you’re a gardening novice with a small balcony or a gardening veteran with a few acres, you can provide for local wildlife by planting with purpose.
World Turtle Day – Celebrate turtles and tortoises on May 23!
National Zoo & Aquarium Month – National Zoo and Aquarium Month is celebrated annually in June to honor the role that zoos and aquariums play in the conservation and research of animal and fish species.
I Love Horses Day – Show your love for the equine world July 15!
National Dog Month – With the initiative of @Milkbone National Dog Month be held every August, every year, from now until the end of dog time.
National Wildlife Day – America marks National Wildlife Day on September 4.
Elephant Appreciation Day – Whether you’re a lifelong elephant lover or not, take time on September 22 to learn about these amazing pachyderms.
Adopt-A-Dog Month – Each October, American Humane encourages animal lovers to adopt a dog from their local shelter or rescue group.
Cook for Your Pet Day – Our pets give us unconditional love, companionship, and attention, so it’s the least we can do to return their efforts on National Cook For Your Pets Day on November 1!
Cat Lovers’ Month – Celebrated every year in December.
International Cheetah Day – How will you celebrate the cheetah on December 4th.
Shop With Me – As an independent content creator my income comes from purchases via my affiliates. These hand-picked partners were chosen with care. This shopping directory provides an eclectic shopping experience and I appreciate any purchases you may enjoy as it supports my efforts to provide content.