National Guitar Day – Celebrate your favorite musical instrument and guitar musicians on February 11.
Georgia Day – Georgia Day, on February 12 every year, is a day specially set aside for the recognition of the colonial founding of the state.
World Radio Day – Proclaimed in 2011 by the Member States of UNESCO, and adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 as an International Day, February 13 became World Radio Day (WRD).
Great Backyard Bird Count – Each February citizen scientists come together to collect data about wild birds from across the globe. Join in February 14 – 17, 2025!
Valentine’s Day – Celebrate love in February and throughout the year!
Read to Your Child Day – Read to Your Child Day is celebrated every year on February 14.
Arizona Statehood Day – Statehood Day in Arizona is observed every year on February 14.
National Wisconsin Day – National Wisconsin Day on February 15 celebrates the state of Wisconsin, its history, and its hard-working people.
National Flag Day of Canada – Observed every year on February 15, this day marks the inauguration of the present flag of Canada with the red maple leaf.
Serbia Sovereignty Day – Observed every February 15th. Sovereignty Day of Serbia marks the first Serbian Uprising in 1804, alongside the first Serbian Constitution in 1835.
Celebrate the Ash Tree – February 18 marks the beginning of the month of the ash. The tree is considered to bring stability and strengthin the Norse world. In ancient Greece it had protective powers.
Drink Wine Day – National Drink Wine Day is held each year on February 18, so get ready to unwind with a glass or two of your favorite Cabernet Sauvignon or Chardonnay.
National Arabian Horse Day – National Arabian Horse Day is an informal U.S. holiday that is celebrated on February 19.
The Gambia Independence Day – Observed on the 18th of February marking the anniversary of liberation from the British Empire.
National Arabian Horse Day – National Arabian Horse Day is an informal U.S. holiday that is celebrated on February 19.
Bird Feeding Month – February is National Bird Feeding Month. Celebrate with these resources, media, and more to attract and care for your back yard birds
Bake for Family Fun Month – National Bake For Family Fun Month, celebrated all of February, provides a reason to enjoy the kitchen together.
National Weddings Month – It is believed that February was selected by the National Association of Bridal Consultants to be National Weddings Month because it is around the time couples begin to plan their weddings after proposals made over Christmas and new year seasons.
Celebration of Chocolate Month – Celebration of Chocolate Month is celebrated in February and is dedicated to everyone’s favorite decadent treat!
Potato Lover’s Month – Potato Lover’s Month is celebrated in February every year.
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