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National Preparedness Month – National Preparedness Month is an observance each September to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time.
Sewing Month – National Sewing Month is the recognition of a creative form of self-expression that we celebrate in September, but enjoy all year.
Baby Safety Month – Founded by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) in 1983, Baby Safety Month (BSM) occurs every September and offers a great chance for parents and retailers to brush up on baby-proof safety standards and tips.
Classical Music Month – During the month of September we celebrate the many talented composers, conductors, and musicians who bring classical music to our ears.
National Read A Book Day – National Read a Book Day on September 6 calls all book lovers to indulge in their favorite hobby, guilt-free.
World Beard Day – World Beard Day is celebrated annually on the first Saturday in September and on an international level with people from every nation and continent gathering together with their beards.
Hummingbird Day – National Hummingbird Day is celebrated on the first Saturday in September every year.
Teddy Bear Day – Teddy Bear Day is celebrated on September 9 annually, a day set aside for everyone to bring out all their teddy bears to thank them for their companionship.
Care Bears Share Your Care Day – Care Bears Share Your Care Day is observed annually on September 9 to motivate significant giving and volunteerism.
Make Your Bed Day – Treat your bed with the respect it deserves on September 11, National Make Your Bed Day.
National Grandparents Day – On the first Sunday after Labor Day we celebrate National Grandparents Day.
Video Game Day – September 12 is National Video Games Day! Prepare for a day of fun.
Online Education Day – National Online Learning Day on September 15 celebrates the huge array of learning resources that are available to students online.
Play-Doh Day – National Play-Doh Day is celebrated on September 16 every year.
Collecting Rocks Day – Collect Rocks Day is on September 16 and the perfect time to learn more about rocks and minerals.
Autumn Equinox – Celebrate the season as summer moves into fall!
Oktoberfest – Your guide to enjoying the annual Munich festival in Germany or at home!
Wife Appreciation Day – National Wife Appreciation Day, celebrated on the third Sunday of September .
World Rhino Day – World Rhino Day is celebrated on September 22 every year.
Elephant Appreciation Day – Whether you’re a lifelong elephant lover or not, take time on September 22 to learn about these amazing pachyderms.
Dear Diary Day – Dear Diary Day is held on September 22 each year and it is aimed at celebrating the way diaries help us get our thoughts out and document our lives.
World Bollywood Day – Celebrated on September 24, Bollywood is a famous dance form used in Indian films and is revered throughout the desi world.
Mahalaya – Mahalaya, also known as Sarva Pitra Amavasya, is celebrated on September 25 this year and marks the end of Pitru Paksha.
National Daughter Day – National Daughters Day on September 25 is a day to celebrate and cherish our daughters who bring so much love and into our lives.
One-Hit Wonder Day– National One-Hit Wonder Day on September 25 was declared by music journalist Steve Rosen in 1990, to remember artists who had their five minutes of fame once upon a time.
Comic Book Day – National Comic Book Day soars into a community near you this September 25.
National Scarf Day – National Scarf Day is on September 27 and you can mark the day by wearing a scarf!
Ancestor Appreciation Day – Ancestor Appreciation Day comes up on September 27 every year. It consists of gathering together to recount ancient family histories and all trace down our genealogies.
Women’s Health and Fitness Day – National Women’s Health and Fitness Day is celebrated every year on the last Wednesday of September.
Ghost Hunting Day – The last Saturday of September is an annual international investigation of the paranormal.
Celebrate Food & Drink
Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day – September 13 is the day that encourages children and adolescents to cook for or with their parents or guardians.
National Fortune Cookie Day – Twice the fun! Discover what is in store for your future on National Fortune Cookie Day, celebrated on July 20 and on September 13.
Pancake Day – September 26 was first referred to as Lumberjack Day in 2005, but its creators changed the name to National Pancake Day to honor eating pancakes.
Drink Beer Day – On September 28, we consider all the beers that make us happy.
Slovakia Constitution Day – Deň Ústavy Slovenskej Republiky or Slovakia Constitution Day is celebrated on September 1 to mark the anniversary of Slovakia’s adoption of its constitution.
Uzbekistan Independence Day – The anniversary of Uzbekistan’s Independence Day is on September 1, a celebration of their independence from the Soviet Union.
National Day of Vietnam – National Day of Vietnam is observed every year on September 2 in Vietnam.
San Marino Foundation Day – The foundation of the Republic of San Marino is celebrated annually as a national holiday on September 3.
Brazil Independence Day – Brazil celebrates Independence Day on September 7 — or as they say in Brazil — Sete de Setembro!
National New Hampshire Day – National New Hampshire Day is observed each year on September 7 by residents of New Hampshire in the United States.
California Admission Day – California Admission Day is observed on September 9 each year. It commemorates the day California was admitted into the Union as the 31st state in 1850 after it was ceded to the United States by Mexico in 1848.
Gibraltar National Day – Gibraltar National Day is the official national day of the British overseas territory of Gibraltar and is observed every year on September 10.
National Virginia Day – National Virginia Day is a yearly celebration observed on September 14.
Costa Rica Independence Day – Costa Rica Independence Day is celebrated on September 15 to mark the day Central America declared independence from Spain in 1821.
Guatemala Independence Day – Guatemala Independence Day is celebrated on September 15 every year and is also known as Guatemala’s National Day.
Honduras Independence Day – Honduras Independence Day, observed every year on September 15, is a day of great fun and celebration for the people living in Honduras.
Mexican Independence Day – Mexican Independence Day, on the 16th of September, is s fiesta-friendly holiday that celebrates Mexico’s declaration of independence from Spain in 1810.
Malaysia Day – Malaysia Day falls on September 16 and commemorates the anniversary of the formation of the Malaysian Federation, which took place on the same date in 1963.
Chile Independence Day – The Chilean people are celebrating their Independence Day on September 18.
Belize Independence Day – In 1981 Belize became an independent member of the Commonwealth before joining the Organization of American States (O.A.S.) in 1990 and the United Nations (U.N.) in 1993.
Malta Independence Day – The nation of Malta celebrates its independence day on 21 September every year.
Botswana Day – Botswana Day is celebrated every September 30.
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